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September 2023 | # 11


Connecting computation to experiments | CCER’s scientific director Peter Bobbert shares the story of the past, present and future of computational energy research in Eindhoven. Read more


Behind the scenes of science | Recently graduated high school student Helena Dell ‘shadowed’ EIRES researcher Maja Rücker. ‘I had the privilege of getting to see the whole of the work of a scientist.’ Read more

Expanding Energy Management System | During his 14 week internship at TIBO Energy, master student Ivo van der Peet managed to develop a mathematical model of a complete electrolyser including peripheral devices to simulate the amount of hydrogen and heat it produces under intermittent electricity supply conditions. Read more


InMotion | Charging an electric race car at the speed of normal refueling? TU/e student team InMotion is getting alarmingly close with the development of the Revolution. Read more

TU/ecomotive | By looking differently at the construction of a car, student team TU/ecomotive has found a way to extend the lifetime of cars and ultimately reduce total CO2 emissions during the production process by a third. Read more

Solar Team Eindhoven | On 14 September, Solar Team Eindhoven revealed Stella Terra, the first off-road car powered by the energy of the sun. Stella Terra is robust enough to navigate not only on paved roads but also on rough terrain. Read more


Opening of Academic Year | The main topic of debate during the opening of the academic year was whether the energy transition is moving too fast as the President of the Executive Board Robert-Jan Smits claimed in De Telegraaf. Read more


Team science award | During the TU/e Research Day in June, Iron Power was awarded the team science award. The collaboration between high-quality academic work with the drive and impact of student team SOLID, ecosystem builder Metalot, and startups Iron+ and RIFT was praised. Read more

ERC Advanced Grant René Janssen | René Janssen is the recipient of an ERC Advanced Grant for his research on perovskite solar cells. He aims to make solar cells with this material that are up to twice as efficient as current solar panels which are made of silicon. Read more

Gerard & Anton award for TIBO Energy | In this years’ round of the annual Gerard & Anton Awards, EIRES partner TIBO Energy was among the 10 recipients.  Read more

NWA project on Renewable offshore technology | HybridLabs helps accelerate the deployment of offshore renewable technologies for both electricity and hydrogen production, hence addressing the energy transition needs whilst also strengthening the offshore food and ecological transitions. Read more

National Growth Fund | Four energy-related programs were granted in the third round of the National Growth Fund scheme. The four programs are: Material Independence & Circular Batteries; SolarNL: Circular integrated high-efficiency solar panels; Charging Energy Hubs; Growing with Green Steel. Read more

Upscaling iron powder | EIRES principal scientist Niels Deen has been awarded a NWO OTP grant worth 900,000 euros for research into the potential of iron powder as an energy carrier on an industrial scale. The project is a collaboration between EIRES, Metalot, RIFT, and Shell. Read more


Fighter for a fair transition | Christina Papadimitriou’s motto is ‘Energy should be for all.’ That is why, as one of the new leaders of the focus area System transition & scenario’s, she is advocating a multidisciplinary approach that also includes socio-economic aspects to make the energy transition a fair, just, and inclusive one. Read more

Gearing up iron power technology | To build a strong and successful National Growth Fund proposal on the topic of Iron Power. That is the first priority of recently appointed senior Program Manager Metal Fuels Alwin Hoogendoorn. Read more

Working at EIRES | We are always looking for talented researchers with a background in mechanical, electrical or civil engineering, physics, or chemistry, that want to help industrialize the energy transition. See our vacancy page.


29 September 2023 | EIRES Lunch Lecture with David Vermaas (TU Delft)

03 October 2023 | HighTech Chemistry Event

13 October 2023 | EIRES Lunch Lecture with Roger Jaspers (TU/e)

10 November 2023 | EIRES Lunch Lecture with Johann Hurink (UTwente)

16 November 2023 | EnergyDays - topic t.b.c.

Previous event:

20 August 2023 | 2023 SEEP High Level PhD Summer School

All events