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June 2024 | # 15


Pore network community | Porous materials are omnipresent in energy research. Three EIRES-researchers took the initiative of bringing together people on the topic of pore network modelling to advance this field of expertise. Read more

BeHeaT | On Wednesday 12 June, the researchers and principal investigators involved in the first nine projects of the BEHeaT program gathered for a pitch event to strengthen the interaction between and integration of the different projects. Read more


Build your own SolarBEAT | Always wanted to build your own research facility? TU/e’s SolarBEAT facility is now available in LEGO! You can find it here


Brabetech| With their company Brabetech, Bram Bens and Thomas Stroes aim to meet the need for renewable industrial heat. Read more

Honors teams | On the Honors Academy’s demo day, bachelor students presented the results of their interdisciplinary research and experiments. One of the teams had been studying what’s required to build a nuclear fusion power station in the Port of Rotterdam. Read more


Making more of materials | The materials aspect of the energy transition is gaining in importance. Jos Brouwers and Auke Hoekstra discuss their personal views on carbon footprints, scarcity issues and political aspects associated with resources. Read more

Sustainability: a no-brainer | In a recent interview, Sustainability Ambassador Anna Wieczorek looked back on two years of sustainability work at TU/e, but mainly looked to the future. Read more

Net congestion mitigation | In a recent report, PhD researchers Bart van der Holst and Gijs Verhoeven discuss the pros and cons of financial measures to better balance the electricity grid load. Read more


PDA best paper award | Hailin Zheng won the annual Best Paper Award organized by the TU/e Postdoc Association (PDA) for his research into improving air quality at child daycare centers. Read more

NWO OTP for Particles on the Edge | Marc Geers was awarded almost 1 million euros funding from the Open Technology Program of NWO to investigate second phase particles that play an important role in strengthening steel. Read more

Honorary doctorate for sustainable concrete | During the TU/e Research Day, Head of Construction Materials Laboratory EPFL Karen Scrivener received an honorary doctorate for her meaningful contributions to making the construction world more sustainable.
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Speculative solutions | As of May 2024, Lenneke Kuijer has joined the management team of EIRES. ‘It is my ambition to introduce social science methods into energy research to help better define the problems we need to solve and, by doing so, improve the efficacy of new solutions.’ Read more

Turning challenges into strengths | Persevering and proving that you can do it despite the setbacks and adversity; Linda Zandt-Sloot, head of data science at TIBO Energy, knows exactly how this feels. ‘With people around you who truly know you, you can achieve so much more.’ Read more


Energy Now 2024 | On 22 May, the annual Energy Now conference took place. This year’s theme was theme revolves around ‘Securing Energy for Everyone’. An impression of the event can be found here

Primary school visit | EIRES had the pleasure of hosting a group of enthusiastic pupils from the Montessori primary school in Roermond. The visit was centered around the theme of ‘energy and sustainability’. An impression of the visit can be found here

TKI visits EIRES | On Wednesday 22 May, TKI Offshore Energy visited EIRES in Disruptor. During their visit, they held a live webinar special about ‘Fortifying Cyber Resilience in Offshore Wind Energy’. Rewatch the webinar here

Onboarding event | EIRES regularly organizes onboarding events for researchers working on the energy transition who recently joined TU/e.  An impression of what these events typical entail can be found here


28 June 2024 | Lunch lecture Mark Huijben (live and online)

2 September 2024 | Opening academic year

19 September 2024 | EnergyDays

19 November 2024 | Energizing Day

All events


Greening the chemical industry | Alternatives for the current energy-intensive separation processes in the chemical industry could significantly decrease both the sector’s CO2 footprint and its energy consumption. Serena Agnolin developed novel membranes for the production of hydrogen in a more sustainable way. She defended her thesis cum laude on 7 May. Read more

Identifying bottlenecks in electricity networks | In his PhD research, George Rouwhorst developed a methodology to identify the bottlenecks in electricity networks and analyze at which locations network reinforcements are most urgent and effective. He defended his thesis at the Department of Electrical Engineering on 16 May. Read more

Better view on bubbles | In the realm of electrochemistry, understanding the intricate dynamics of bubbles on microelectrodes is essential for optimizing processes. In his PhD research, Aled Meulenbroek delved deep into the nuanced interplay of capillary effects governing bubble behavior. Read more


Third edition EIRES magazine | The third edition of EIRES’ annual magazine is out now. Read the publication here